Finding Life In Chemistry Life

There’s a new update for Chemistry Life. It got very popular for a short while so I got a lot of feedback, mostly about requiring java. With this update I address that. The application now comes with a java runtime environment, you don’t need to download java anymore, unless you download the .jar file.
I’ll keep working on it. Two features that would be perfect: 1) Edit the laws of physics and chemistry. 2) Define some kind of metric to automatically look for cool universe or evolve one.
(Secret 3rd feature: Mobile version?????)
The original idea behind this program was to find life. I hope to find a universe that can support complicated chemical reactions that look like metabolism, homeostasis or some other life-like properties. If there is a way to automatically identify these kind of processes, we can let the computer search for a universe or evolve one by giving each universe a genetic code. The former is what Stephen Wolfram did with cellular automata.
In short:
-Destroyed the weird slider bugs.
-You can now add particles.
-Doesn’t require you to install Java anymore.
I work and study fulltime: no quick results :(
Tim ‘Buddhaman’ Trussner.
Get Chemistry Life
Chemistry Life
Generate a universe with random laws of physics and chemistry
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Don't make it on mobile please. This is not a shitty mobile game but a very good, intresting and fun game FOR PC.